viernes, 21 de abril de 2023


Do you believe in causality?

I am deeply believer that things happen for one reason. 

Is for that, is so interesting how KiwiBush's logo born.

Life connected me with a lovely woman, Breeze Laycock-park. Who lives and dreams, every day, some meters of the artistic epicenter, The Groove.

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Her drawings are gorgeous, and she wanted to contribute making the logo for this dream that is sprounting.

Breeze left to fly her rich imagination and budded this imagen. Animagen with all the roots and soul from here, Sourth Island of New Zealand. 

This logo emerged for be part of  "The roots of Love" 

A book of a special woman, M. Carmen Sanz Gimeno, who is telling the world a story that accompanies us to walk through the mourning and invites us to say in time: 

I love you!

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"The roots of Love" was written just on the other side of the world. In Zaragoza, Spain. 

It has been extending roots until connected with the roots of KiwiBush, in the antipodes.

This is definitely the best start we could have ever imagined for the artistic interaction of this cosmopolitan community from Golden Bay to the rest of the world.

domingo, 16 de abril de 2023


Before coming to live in New Zealand, my family and I. Life gave me a very special gift, as much as she is. 

Life wanted Carmen and us to share a street, park and walks along the Imperial Canal of Aragon.

The connection with her was deep from the beginning. It can be said that we put down roots in each other.

We were a patron in the first story 'Hoja' that traveled with us and inspires us to create games between Ari and me, here in the antipodes.

With this second, a deep feeling emerged that the roots of our projects also came together.

That is why I chose to be a Sponsor with KiwiBush, an artistic "son" who is brewing in the place of the Earth I inhabit, The Golden Bay, and which brings together all the Arts. 

A dream, which comes true and that springs from deciding to put one of my gifts, at the service of Humanity. 

The voice.

Offering it to Mother Earth.

Click imagen

'Las Raíces del Amor' is definitely the best place for the embryo of this artistic project to emerge into the Light and begin to be shared with the World.

A story with Soul and Roots that connect with the roots and soul of KiwiBush.

Thank you Carmen for being the Creator of these Realities.

Thank you Vida for putting her in my path.

Thank you all who have made it possible!!!!

martes, 11 de abril de 2023


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KiwiBush started when in a circle of women asked me a question.

Mónica, have you got a dream? 
Wich is your dream?
Would you like to make really your dream  with helpof a whole tribu?

Yes, I have a dream! 


Yes, like to it be really with your support!

I reminded.                        

Even I could hear in my head, speaking with myself.        

Promised me. day I will give my talent, 
my voice,
to the Community, again.

I will give it with other voices recording our souls singing in live, present. and playing at the same time.

We will gift to the Mother Earth, to the Planet.
To the Humanity.
-Yes, I will.

In that moment we just been arrived in Golden Bay, near a very special place in the world. The Grove Scenic Reserve.

Click image

I had been walked to the Reserve Groove tninking in my dream. Imagined how could be best way to do really, How I would go down in the earth, when I could hear higher, clearly...

-Land Art.
-Land Art.

Whom walked in this place knows perfectly that is a real sculptural stoned fairy village. And is for that is aveilable to believe that there are more energies and lifes living in there.

-Land Art.
-Land Art.

Was them when both ideas fused. 

Came my mind a vision of the voices playing in Live in this place. 
This place like a really sculpted epicenter with uncredible trees, awesome roots embrace stones, amazing mixture species, gorgeous rocks as authentic natural sculptures, 
surroundings full of friendly trees hugged together, sharing life ... per day...

...night per night. 

A retreat plenty of primitive wildlife with a loop walking track for visitors.  
In complete harmony similar to delicate harmony of voices. 
Beating unison in epicenter with the power to make dreams real.


Finally, all was basting!!

Voices will be record in life in this marvelous space. 
Presented by a videoclip making with photograms of artistic interactions in the Nature.

Do you know when you say: 

Yes, I like to make really my dream. All Universe conspires for that?

Exactly that it is happening right Now!!


Right, the idea of make an multidiscipline artistic creation with the music like as common thread, was clear. The intention a nd the determi...